Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I want to remember.

My son is now about 75 weeks old.  That's 17.5 months.  That's almost a year and a half.  It sounds totally, TOTALLY cliche, but every day I fall more in love with this child.  I'm trying really hard to keep up with him in photos, videos, memories...I can't take pictures in my mind fast enough, though.  How can I possibly commit all this to memory so that I never forget this brief season of his (and my) life?  

Right now, Thomas the Train is his favorite character.  But, he can't exactly say, "Thomas" yet.  When he sees the character in the store, or wants to watch his only Thomas DVD, he says, "Whoo whoo!" like Thomas does.  It's very sweet.  I want to remember that. 

In the past two weeks, his language has picked up dramatically.  Suddenly, he's repeating what I ask him to repeat.  He's practicing people's names and animals and noises.  And I want to remember how he can't really pronounce the "s" sound, but that he somehow gets the word "sissy" out with incredible accuracy.  I want to remember that his favorite words are "mama" and "dada" and that he practices them over and over again.  I want to remember "peeeeeeese" because it's so darn cute, and impossible to turn down.  

I want to remember.  Because someday he will be grown up.  Someday, not so far from today, he'll be very articulate and well-spoken.  And I will be very proud of him, but I will miss these days.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

April 16

I know that today is not April 16.  In fact, April 16 with nearly a month ago!  But that date is of great significance to me.  
In 1998, April 16 began to be important to me.  My little sister was born on that date.  I was 14, in the 8th grade.  I already had three younger brothers, and I had wanted a sister for as long as I could remember.  
It wasn't until 2007 that another important event happened on April 16.  My husband, who I had been dating for just a couple of weeks, kissed me for the first time.  After he kissed me, I said, "This changes everything," and it did. 
On April 16, 2010, my doctor confirmed a pregnancy that had taken more than 8 months to happen.  I was beyond happy.  
And this year, 2012, April 16 has become significant once again.  
This year on that date, the District Youth Director of the Assemblies of God of Oklahoma called Michael with a lead on a youth pastor position.  If you know my husband, you know without a doubt that he is a youth pastor through and through.  He has a heart for students and a passion to see them hungry for a relationship with God.  We have served as volunteers in youth departments, separately and as a couple, for years.  We had the incredible opportunity about three years ago to serve as interim youth pastors while our church was searching.  That opportunity fueled his desire even more for a life of ministry.  So, after that position was permanently filled in 2010, he began looking and applying for positions.  It seemed that none of the positions was a good fit for us.  Michael wasn't working a full-time job at the time, so we needed a full-time youth pastor spot.  Many of the open spots were part-time or no pay at all.  We had a baby on the way and could not make it on part-time or no pay.  Others that were full-time were very far from home.  We didn't want to move any further away from Kamryn.  Michael decided to take a secular full-time job, and the desire for a ministry position went on the back-burner.  When he first took the job, he was on the midnight shift.  It was no fun.  He was on that shift for a year before a new shift opened up.  He went to days, but worked Sunday through Wednesday.  It was good for our family, but bad for our potential ministry.  No church wants to hire a youth pastor who works on Sundays.  He tried to get his schedule changed many times to be off on Sundays, but it just didn't work out.  We had all but given up on a ministry job.  Michael was no longer sending out resumes, no longer making phone calls.  But he was not fulfilled. 
Then, the DYD called.
At first, Michael was nervous about contacting the pastor at New Bethel Assembly.  He sent a quick email, telling about himself and his interest in the ministry.  After a whirlwind series of emails, phone calls, and recommendations, we were meeting the church board a week later!  It felt so comfortable, like we were where we belonged.  The boss at Michael's full-time job allowed him to work the opposite shift, allowing him to be off work on Sundays.  Everything just seemed to fall into place.  Michael accepted the position, and we have now begun our new ministry journey.  
We have been at New Bethel for about a month.  Our teenagers are gearing up for youth camp this summer.  We are very excited to be where we are, and we are looking forward to finding out just what the Lord has in store.  
Who knows what the next April 16 will bring?

You can keep up with our new ministry by "Liking" us on Facebook: MomentumBA.  You can also join our Facebook group page: Momentum Youth Ministries (  
Lastly, follow our tweets: @momentumba.  
If you need more information, contact