Thursday, July 30, 2009

first timer

ok, so the only blogs i've ever posted were on myspace. i guess that counts, but i think i want to start this. i guess i'll start by saying that i'm doing this because mitchell, cody shane, and randi made it look fun.

my name is rachel and , #1, i like to shop. i wish there was a shopping profession because i would be really good at it. #2, i love my family. i would rather hang with my husband and brothers than just about anyone else. #3, i've been honored to be involved with the youth ministry at our church for a while now. it's been the best and i love all my pulse kids. #4, i like soda and mexican food, separate and together. #5, my step-daughter is coming tomorrow to stay for 6 days and i already know they're gonna pass by too quickly.

that's enough for now. more insides to come.